Metal + Grad Card Sale

Archive Scanning

In 50 years, will your children have past photos to look at? The answer to this question is largely dependent upon what you do today and how you store and archive your prints and digital images.

At Harold's Photo, we offer a variety of different scan services and have the ability to scan photos, slides, negatives, artwork, recipies, x-rays and much more! We carefully save your scans to USB for archiving, viewing and printing. Available in 5 business days.

Prints are scanned at the original size of the print with a resolution of 300 dpi. These scans are perfect for archiving and will produce products up to the original print size. Pricing is based on print sizes 2½x3½” to 8x12”. An additional $1.00 per print charge applies to any damaged or mounted prints, prints smaller than 2½x3½” and prints larger than 8x12” but smaller than 11x17”. Front and back of image scanning counts as two individual scans. All orders are saved to USB.

Preparing Prints for Scanning
• Loose prints only. Remove all prints from albums, envelopes or frames.
• Sort prints by size and orientation.
• Remove all tape, staples, paper clips, glue or attachments from prints.
• Prints must be numbered on the back when scanning in a specific order is requested. Additional charges apply.

Quantity Price Per Print Index Print Image Catalog
Set up & output $9.99 - -
up to 34 99¢ 59¢ n/a
35-50 79¢ 89¢ n/a
51-100 59¢ $1.19 n/a
101-200 49¢ $1.99 n/a
201-400 37¢ n/a $19.99
401-600 29¢ n/a $29.99
601-800 25¢ n/a $44.99
801-1200 22¢ n/a $59.99
1201+ 19¢ n/a $79.99
Additional Upgrades
Additional USB Flash Drive • 4GB $9.99 each (typical size needed) • 16GB $14.99 each
Add a Data DVD • $14.99 each
Scan Images in Order • 25% of Scanning Price
Upgrade Resolution to 600 dpi • 25% of Scanning Price

Email Link Via Dropbox • $5.00
The link comes from Dropbox with a message that states “Harold’s is sending you a link.” Dropbox hosts the information for 90 days. A Dropbox account is not necessary to download the file and it can be downloaded an unlimited number of times. Orders must be paid prior to the link being sent.

Video Slide Show to USB • $9.99
Images are saved in a slide show format for viewing on a television or computer.

Specialty Print Scanning
1200 dpi Hi-Res Scan • $19.99
This scan is best utilized for obtaining the highest resolution scan from a small sized original. Ideally it is used when a customer has a small original like a 2.5x3.5 and they want to try and produce a much larger print like a 16x20. As a general rule, scanning at 300 dpi will allow a customer to produce the same size print as their original. Scanning at 600 dpi will produce a print 2 times the original size. In most cases, scanning a print larger than 5x7 at 1200 dpi is unnecessary. Remember, a poor quality original cannot be improved by scanning at a higher resolution. Scans completed with enough resolution to produce a print the same size as the original.

Larger than 12x18 up to 16x20 • $39.99*
Larger than 16x20 up to 20x30 • $54.99*
Larger than 20x30 up to 30x40 • $74.99*
Over 30x40 • Ask for Estimate*
*USB included with scan
Product Creation Scans
All of Harold’s Photo gifts, books, wall art and calendars are created from a digital file. As a customer service, we will scan up to 15 prints at no charge for use in creating these items. If customers wish to keep these scans, they are subject to Print Scan pricing listed above.

Slide Scanning

Standard slides (35mm) are scanned with enough resolution (4496x3000 px) to produce acceptable products up to 16x24” - perfect for archiving. An additional $1.00 per slide charge applies to all other sizes and to damaged or unmounted slides. Slides are scanned with an air cleaning process, however lint, dust and scratches are common on stored slides.

Preparing Slides for Scanning
• Loose slides only. Remove all slides from carousels, sleeves or envelopes.
• Arrange all slides facing horizontally (images will appear the direction taken).
• Stack slides horizontally, emulsion side down (dull side down).
• Slides may be scanned in order within each specific format only. Slides must be numbered on the slide mounts. Additional charges apply.

Quantity Price Per Slide Index Print Image Catalog
up to 34 $1.99 ($3.99 minimum charge) 59¢ n/a
35-50 $1.39 89¢ n/a
51-100 $1.19 $1.19 n/a
101-200 99¢ $1.99 n/a
201-400 75¢ n/a $19.99
401-600 59¢ n/a $29.99
601-800 49¢ n/a $44.99
801-1200 45¢ n/a $59.99
1201+ 39¢ n/a $79.99
Additional Options
Extra Data Disc Copies • $9.99
Saved to USB Flash Drive • $18.99
Scan Images in Order • 25% of Scanning Price
Upgrade Resolution (approximately 6000x4000 px) • 25% of Scanning Price

Email Link Via Dropbox
The link comes from Dropbox with a message that states “Harold’s is sending you a link.” Dropbox hosts the information for 90 days. A Dropbox account is not necessary to download the file and it can be downloaded an unlimited number of times. Orders must be paid prior to the link being sent.
Up to 4GB • $10.00
Over 4GB • $20.00

Video Slide Show to DVD
Images are saved in a slide show format for viewing on a television or computer.
Up to 500 Images • $9.99
Over 500 Images • $19.99
Additional Copies • $9.99

Negative Scanning

Standard negatives (35mm) are scanned with enough resolution (approximately 1512x1002 px) to produce acceptable products up to 8x12” - perfect for archiving. An additional $1.00 per negative charge applies to cut negative strips and all other sizes. All image frames in a negative strip will be scanned. Each frame counts as a negative.

Preparing Negatives for Scanning
• Sort and group negatives by same size and facing up.
• Negatives may be left in sleeving.
• Remove all tape, staples, paper clips, glue or attachments.
• Negatives may be scanned in order within each specific film format only. Additional charges apply.

Pricing is based on scanning all image frames in a negative strip. Each frame counts as an image. If requesting individual frame scans within a strip, all scans will be priced at $1.99 per negative frame regardless of quantity, with a $3.99 minimum. Additional $1.00 per negative charge applies to any damaged or cut negatives and non-standard sizes.

Quantity Price Per Negative Index Print Image Catalog
up to 34 $1.99 ($3.99 minimum charge) 59¢ n/a
35-50 $1.39 89¢ n/a
51-100 $1.19 $1.19 n/a
101-200 99¢ $1.99 n/a
201-400 75¢ n/a $19.99
401-600 59¢ n/a $29.99
601-800 49¢ n/a $44.99
801-1200 45¢ n/a $59.99
1201+ 39¢ n/a $79.99
Additional Options
Extra Data Disc Copies • $9.99
Saved to USB Flash Drive • $18.99
Scan Images in Order • 25% of Scanning Price
Upgrade Resolution (approximately 3024x2005 px) • 25% of Scanning Price

Email Link Via Dropbox
The link comes from Dropbox with a message that states “Harold’s is sending you a link.” Dropbox hosts the information for 90 days. A Dropbox account is not necessary to download the file and it can be downloaded an unlimited number of times. Orders must be paid prior to the link being sent.
Up to 4GB • $10.00
Over 4GB • $20.00

Video Slide Show to DVD
Images are saved in a slide show format for viewing on a television or computer.
Up to 500 Images • $9.99
Over 500 Images • $19.99
Additional Copies • $9.99