Metal + Grad Card Sale

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why can't I order from your website?

    Please make sure that your internet browser is up to date. The latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome is recommended.

  • Why can't I order prints from your Simply Prints ordering system?

    Please make sure that your internet browser is up to date.

  • Why isn't my coupon code working?

    If you are using a valid coupon code, make sure that it is typed correctly in your shopping cart and has not expired. It is important to ensure that you are ordering the correct product that pertains to your coupon code. Coupon codes exclude Simply Prints, Store Services, In-Store Merchandise & Shipping. Please note that we are not responsible for inaccurate coupon codes that are listed on other websites. This includes false or expired codes that are found through search engines.

  • Help, my photos are HEIC files.

    To change HEIC photos you need to use an online conversion website. Google "HEIC to jpg converter".
    To change the setting on your iPhone, go to:

    • Settings
    • Camera
    • Formats
    • Choose “MOST COMPATIBLE” to have photos saved in a JPG format. This will change the format for photos going forward only.
  • What resolution should my image be?

    For best results, we recommend using images with a minimum of 100 dpi on most products. For larger prints, 300 dpi is preferred to maintain the best quality.

  • What color mode and profile should I use?

    To ensure proper color, images uploaded to our website should be in RGB color mode with the sRGB color space.

  • Can I upload my logo to use in a project?

    Yes, our website will also support transparency if necessary. Transparent PNG (recommended) or GIF files are required. These images may be uploaded from within our editor via My Computer/Device or added to a Gallery in the same way that standard images are.

Shipping/Service Times:
  • What are your production lab hours?

    Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm not including holidays.

  • What are your service times by product?

    • At Harold's Photo, our goal is to efficiently complete every order with the care and quality your images deserve. Our service times are based on the average production time required to meet that goal.
    • For online orders, you will be notified by text and/or email when the order is complete and ready for pick up, or has been shipped.
    • Service times are based on business days and do not include Saturday, Sunday or holidays. These times are considered guidelines and actual production times may vary based on the time of day the order was placed and the quantity ordered. Busy seasonal times may also cause a variance in production times.

    Type Service Time (in business days)
    All Photo Products 5
    Archive Scanning 5
    Photo Restoration 5
    Video Services* 5
    Movie Film to DVD 4 Weeks
    Video Slide Show 5
    Passport Photos While You Wait
    Film Processing 3
    E6 & Disc Film 10
    Prints From Prints 3
    Custom Framing 2 Weeks
    Business Headshots By appointment - ready within 2 Hours
    Data Transfers Up to 5

  • Do you offer a rush service?

    Yes, expedited service is possible to meet special requests. Please contact us at (605)336-2833 prior to submission for rush service approval. Choose "RUSH" during your checkout & enter date you need your product by in the "Notes about your order".

    Order Total:
    Less than $50 = $10 Rush Fee
    $50 - $99 = $15 Rush Fee
    $100 - $199 = $30 Rush Fee
    $200 + = $50 Rush Fee

  • What are your shipping services?

    Harold's Photo is happy to provide mail services to our customers. Customers with an established Harold's Charge Account may ask to have their orders billed to their account. Pre-payment is required on all other mail orders. All items purchased and shipped by Harold's Photo online ordering system will include shipping charges (use the shipping charges below for all other orders). The risk of loss and title for items shipped from Harold's Photo passes to the customer upon our delivery to our shipping carrier.

    Order Total Shipping/Handling
    $0-$24.99 $4.99
    $25-$49.99 $9.99
    $50-$99.99 $14.99
    $100-$149.99 $19.99
    $150.00+ $24.99

Privacy Policy:
  • Is my personal information safe when ordering from your website?

    Yes, your payment and personal information is always safe on our website. Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read over the internet.

    We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. We may collect personally identifiable information when you visit our site. We also automatically receive and record information on our server logs from your browser including your IP address, cookie information and the page(s) you visited. We will not sell your personally identifiable information to anyone.

Terms and Conditions:
  • Our quality promise.

    At Harold's Photo, we are committed to providing quality products to meet or exceed your expectations. However, if you find our goods or services are faulty, please let us know. We will work with you to address your concerns. * Please note that only technical inadequacies, which are avoidable with the technology available is considered a defect, but does not include aspects of personal taste. Differences in color between the original file and original image data are not a defect. Call customer service at (605) 336-2833 for assistance.

    Refunds for purchases online with a credit card will be provided as a credit back to the card used at the time of purchase. This may take up to 5 business days upon receipt of the returned product/merchandise and may take 24-48 hours to update on your bank statement.

  • Our copyright policy.

    By clicking PROCEED TO CHECKOUT, I declare that I am the owner or have permission from the owner of any copyright to the files/photos included in this order. By declaring that I am the owner or have permission from the owner of any copyright to the files/photos included in this order, I authorize and grant a non-exclusive license to Harold's Photo Experts and its agents to produce the photos. I agree to pay the charges and for printing the photos and to indemnify and hold harmless Harold's Photo Experts and its agents for any and all liability from any claims brought by any other person claiming interest in the files/photos.


    All images are copyrighted by someone, even ordinary family photos. It is Harold's Photo Expert's intention to comply with the copyright laws and protect the ownership rights of copyright holders. At times, the existence of a copyright claim or the identity of the copyright owner is not apparent. The person who possesses the photo is not always the copyright owner. The purpose of this policy is to provide a method for determining who is the copyright owner, and provide guidance on handling copy requests.

    Our Policy in Handling Copyrighted Photos

    It is our policy to make every effort possible to protect the rights of professional photographers. We will not accept clearly copyrighted work without the written permission of the photographer/creator. Photographers have the responsibility to identify and mark their photographs sufficiently to permit others to know whom to contact to obtain permission to copy. These marks would include, but are not limited to; photographer or studio name, studio logo, the actual copyright symbol or watermarked paper indicating “DO NOT COPY”. If there is no such notice or other indication that the image was taken by someone else, it may be copied. To assist you in obtaining permission to copy a photograph we recommend you contact the Professional Photographers of Americas at 1-800-786-6277.

    Authorized Exceptions

    Copies can be authorized under the following circumstances if there are no other factors suggesting the law would be violated:
    • The customer has a written consent to copy or manipulate the order from the photographer or studio named in a copyright notice or other marking.
    • A prior agreement with the photographer giving a blanket consent for this customer to obtain copies in the future without further documentation.
    • Copying or restoring a photograph is permitted for the personal use of a customer in cases where the photographer or studio is unlikely to object to copying. Here are examples of reasons why a photographer would be unlikely to object; very old photograph, damaged print, or prints made by photographers not able to be located after a reasonable effort.
    • A claim of "fair use" may also permit the copying of a print. A “fair use” would include; education or research, the area of the photo being copied, the number of copies, the function of the copy, and impact of the copies on the photographer’s potential resale market.
    • Document the claim in writing with a description of a legitimate fair use. The copy or manipulation must be appropriate and limited to the fair use purpose which is claimed.

    Appearance of Professional Photos

    It is often difficult to determine whether a photo was taken by a professional. When a copy is requested, the overall appearance must be considered. The following are some factors to consider in concluding whether a photo is a professional photo:
    • The presence of a copyright notice, i.e., the copyright symbol, the word "copyright" and the name and year.
    • The name of a photographer or studio.
    • Use of paper with a professional watermark or notice.
    • Unusual marks or alterations to a photo to cover or eliminate the above markings.
    • Formal poses characteristic of a sitting.
    • Even distribution of lighting and the absence of natural shadows.
    • Use of background typical of professional photos.
    • The photo was published, such as in a textbook, magazine or newspaper.
    According to FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW, reproduction rights to a photograph remain with the photographer. To insure compliance with this law Harold's Photo Experts will reproduce a photograph only with written consent from the copyright owner.
    Photographs taken before 1979 bearing the copyright symbol (a C with a circle around it) cannot be copied without written consent of the copyright owner. Any photograph taken after 1979 bearing the copyright symbol or those photographs that appear to have been taken professionally should never be copied without written consent of the copyright owner. We use careful judgment when accepting all original prints, slides or artwork for any type of copy work. You may be asked to obtain or sign a copyright release from the copyright owner before Harold's Photo Experts will accept an order for reproduction.

  • Sexually explicit images.

    Harold's Photo has a legal obligation to report sexually explicit images involving minors to the proper authority.